The impetus to finally paint it was provided by my signing up to run a game at Storm-Con, a convention in Charleston, SC (, in late June. You can't run a game called 'Spaceship Down' without a spaceship.
It comes in 6 pieces of hard plastic; 2 of them combined to form the largest section.
I washed it to remove any mold residue then sprayed it with Krylon Matte Black. I painted most of the wreckage with Ceramcoat Charcoal Grey, then drybrushed with a mix of Vallejo Cold Grey and P3 Black. The metal parts were painted with Vallejo Oily Steel. The red areas got a base of Army Painter Dragon Red, a wash of Black ink, then a coat of GW Evil Sunz Scarlet. The freshly-turned earth got a coat of Vallejo Flat Earth, then a drybrush with some White added. A spray of Testor's Dullcote sealed it and finished it off.
Now what you really are interested in, the pictures. First all the sections together, then a close-up of each one. As always, you can click on the images for a larger image.
As made, there is no base underneath the broken sections on this piece, which exposes whatever is underneath. I glued a piece of black styrene under the base of this section to improve the look.
Thanks for looking!