01 January, 2018

2018 Begins with Hasslefree

Since resuming painting, I have been making good progress.  I've finished 19 miniatures since my post 3.5 weeks ago; the ones I started then plus some that were partially painted.  I haven't been able to seal them yet as it is too cold outside for spraying them with varnish.

After Christmas I started a new batch of recently arrived miniatures that are detailed below.  Normally I don't paint things that I just bought, instead choosing things out of my stockpile for a particular project.  But that is what I am currently motivated to do, so I am going with it.

I made an order with Hasslefree in late November during their sale.  A few days later, I received an email to let me know my order would be slightly delayed due to an inventory error.  When the package arrived in December, I discovered they were kind enough to include a free miniature in my order.  Even better it was one I had considered getting.  Great customer service as usual, plus two pieces of candy.

Top row l-r:
1. Karl Drax: A miniature based on the character Ronon Dex from Stargate Atlantis, a tv show I watched during its 5-season run starting in 2004.  Played by Jason Momoa, now more famous as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones and Aquaman in Justice League.  I choose to ignore the awful Conan movie he starred in.  I'll use him as a hero or alien mercenary.
2. Dynamic Jynx: I'll use her as a 7TV character with psionic or other superhuman powers.  The big question is what color to paint the ball of energy in her hands?
3. Finn: P-A survivor
4. Kendra: P-A survivor
5. Destiny: 7TV heroine with a 70s vibe.

Bottom row l-r:
1. Winter Morgan:7TV spy
2. Rihanna: P-A survivor who appears to be based on Rosita from the Walking Dead.
3. Post-Apoc Wolsey: P-A version of Shaggy from Scooby Doo.  There is actually a "Scooby Apocalypse" comic that started in 2016.  Not sure whether this mini pre-dates that.  Hasslefree make the rest of the gang as well, I may get them in future.
4. Elite Sadie:  Not fully assembled yet.  I've had a terrible time trying to attach the arms.  One piece has the right arm, a weapon and the left hand.  The left arm is small and difficult to match up at the shoulder and wrist simultaneously.  I wanted to use the shotgun but am ready to give up and try the other gun or sword to see if I can salvage her.
5. Maria: P-A survivor and FREE!

Since I took this picture, they have been based, brush-primed (too cold for spraying), and the bases, weapons, shoes. belts and hair painted.  Also underway but not pictured are a Guru (evil mastermind) from Crooked Dice and another mini from Black Cat for a total of 11 (twelve if I can get Sadie's arms to attach) .

Also arriving in December as part of my post-Thanksgiving orders was a Secret Base from Crooked Dice.  This is a MDF set that builds a 60cmx60cm aka 2'x2' secret lair,underground bunker, etc.  I plan on using it for games I run in 2018.  Construction has started tonight. 

Will turn into this:

The last bit of news is the most exciting.  My upcoming local convention, Siege of Augusta, is in 2 weeks.  This year will be different since my 11-year-old daughter told me months ago that she wants to attend.  I plan on playing in whatever games she is interested in trying.