I have three painted 15mm historical armies for sale. They will be for sale at Historicon on July 21-24, 2022. I will be in the flea market on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. I have comments on this post moderated so if you are interested you can give me your contact details through a comment without it posting publicly.
Hoplite Greeks $104
The Greeks are a Xyston DBA army pack. There are 5 mounted and 42 foot miniatures. I believe the pack was Athenian but they would serve for most later Greek armies. They have Little Big Men Studios decals and the bases have magnets on the bottom. They have never been used.
Britons $112
The Britons represent the forces of the post-Roman Britain/Arthurian period. There are 11 mounted and 34 foot miniatures. They are mostly Splintered Light Miniatures; one stand of cavalry and a couple of the spearmen are Chariot Miniatures. They have Little Big Men Studios decals and the bases have magnets on the bottom. They have never been used.
Sea Peoples $88
These are Essex Miniatures. There are 39 foot and 1 chariot. The bases have magnets on the bottom.