The first building is a ruined cottage. It is being defended by a group of UNIT soldiers from a Cyberman who is just appearing around the corner.
The chimney is painted in several layers of Americana Heritage Brick. The wood beams are painted with a series of drybrushes: Vallejo Medium Camo Brown, then Howard Hues Colonial Khaki, then a light Ral Partha/Iron Wind Grey. The walls are Privateer Gun Corps Brown and the exposed inner wall bits have a drybrush of Ceramcoat Oyster White over the brown. The stone floor is painted with Ceramcoat Charcoal Grey, Ceramcoat Storm Grey and finally Ral Partha/Iron Wind Grey. I finished the model with a black wash and 2 coats of Krylon Matte Finish spray.
The second building is a Security Checkpoint. I am going to paint something on the sign but I haven't decided what yet. Two guards from Wolverine Security are manning the post. The majority of the building is painted with GW Fortress Grey; the blue sections are Vallejo Oxford Blue, which is also the base color for the guards' uniforms. The roof is removable which comes in handy during games.
Thanks for looking!