09 October, 2014

28mm Industrial Wreckage

As I mentioned in my Historicon report, I bought 2 pieces of post-apocalyptic industrial wreckage in the flea market.  I plan on using them for the forthcoming game Across the Dead Earth.

I wanted to touch them up a bit for two reasons: all the ground was painted the same rust color as the wreckage and I wanted them to match my basing scheme.

I started by adding some modeling paste to a couple of bare areas, then added some small ballast on top of it.  I also added a few pieces of medium ballast for larger pieces of rubble.  I painted the ground areas with Vallejo Flat Earth.  I then drybrushed a mix of Flat Earth and White.  I painted the areas I wanted to be rubble with Ceramcoat Charcoal Grey, then drybrushed Ceramcoat Hippo Grey and Vallejo Stonewall Grey in succession.  I glued on patches of static grass and a few tufts, then sealed it with 2 coats of matte spray.

Before and after pictures; click to enlarge.

Thanks for looking!

07 October, 2014

28mm Bridge

Recently I have been working on 28mm terrain for my Saga games.  The bridge pictured below is made by Acheson Creations out of resin.  I purchased it at Historicon 2013.

I started out by washing it in the dishwasher at the same time as several Acheson buildings to remove the mold release agent.  Next I spray primed it black, then gave it a thin coat of black paint to cover any spots the spray missed.

I gave the wood a heavy drybrush with Vallejo German Camo Medium Brown, then another drybrush of Howard Hues Colonial Khaki.  I finished with a light drybrush of Vallejo Stonewall Gray.

The water areas were painted with Howard Hues Bright Blue.  I then applied a coat of Turquoise Glaze from a very old bottle of Games Workshop paint from when Coat d'Arms manufactured their paints (late 90s?) to deepen the color.  Next I drybrushed Ceramcoat Blue Jay, then a mix of Blue Jay and White.

I painted the dirt at each end, added a few patches of static grass and tufts, then finished it off with 2 coats of Testors Dullcote.

The first few photos are of the bridge alone, then there are some with 4 Foundry Vikings for scale.  The bridge comes in 5 pieces: 2 ends, a center section and 2 supports for the center.  This piece may also show up minus one end as a pier in a Doctor Who or Across the Dead Earth game.

Thanks for looking!