08 February, 2025

Purchases at Siege of Augusta

 I started off 2025 as I usually do by attending the Siege of Augusta convention in Augusta, GA.  This year, along with my 2 high schoolers, my friends Mike and Jenny drove down from Ohio to attend.

I am planning on running a Stargate game later this year and was on the lookout for some more terrain pieces.  There was a new vendor with a variety of 3d printed items, Garrison 3D from Florida.  He had some leftover Egyptian statues he wanted to get rid of, so I picked up all 7 of them for $10.  They are 6" tall so will look suitably imposing on the table.

Garrison 3D also had a large structure, diameter 12", that reminded me of a classical temple similar to the Pantheon in Rome.  I kept eying it all weekend and eventually gave in and bought it.  I am still working out a paint scheme but it will make a good central objective.

I also wanted to find some accessories for the temple.  Miniature Building Authority had some Egyptian columns and a snake statue that fit the bill.

Bad Goblin has a line of different fire items using LEDs, and I got 2 of their fire pits for $5 each.  You can see some lit up on my friend Mike's blog Lead Legionaries.  Bad Goblin have a great line of terrain for their upcoming Trailer Park Warlords of the Apocalypse game.  They also gave my daughter one of their miniatures after she played in one of their demo games, which is currently on my painting table.

I had a find in the Saturday morning flea market with 2 boxes of Perry Hundred Years War English for $20 each.  This was great timing as my copy of the new Age of Chivalry book for Saga waiting for me whrn I got home after the convention.  I've already started painting 24 of them.

I'm not sure if I will make any other conventions before Historicon, but Siege was a good start to the year.

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