13 July, 2024

For Sale: 15mm Dark Dwarves


I have a painted 15mm Dark Dwarf army for sale. The miniatures are a mixture of ranges from Grenadier and Splintered Light.  I was inspired by the ancient Assyrians when painting them.  There is a lot of red and bronze (or gilded) armor.  They are based for the 'Hordes of the Things' rules.

There are 73 foot, 7 mounted, 1 cannon, and a war rhino. The price is $184.

The assembled Dark Dwarf army

Front line: 7 stands of heavy infantry.  There are several conversions including a dwarf with a scorpion tail, one with a blob arm, and one with wings.

Second line (l-r): armored robot with controller, hero stand, general with a mutated lower body, wizard and familiar.

Cannon supported by 3 stands of handgunners and 2 stands of halberdiers

Two stands of boar riders and 1 stand of half-dwarf, half-spiders

4 stands of Dark Dwarf Mutants ready to break the enemy line

War rhino with 2 crew in a howdah.

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