13 July, 2024

For Sale: 15mm Undead


I have a painted 15mm Undead army for sale. The miniatures are a mixture of Ral Partha, Grenadier, and Splintered Light.

There are 96 foot, 7 mounted and 2 giants. The price is $147.

The Undead horde approaches the lands of the living

3 bases of Ghouls

8 bases of skeleton infantry.  They are mounted on 40mm square bases, 6 per base.

3 bases of skeleton bowmen supported by 3 bases of demons.

2 bases of giant undead creatures.  For reference, the 2 small mummies on the right are 15mm tall

2 bases of skeleton cavalry

The evil necromancer who raised the horde of undead.  Apologies for the blurred picture.

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