18 July, 2022

15mm Historicals: Hoplite Greek, Post-Roman Britons, & Sea Peoples


I have three painted 15mm historical armies for sale.  They will be for sale at Historicon on July 21-24, 2022.  I will be in the flea market on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  I have comments on this post moderated so if you are interested you can give me your contact details through a comment without it posting publicly.

Hoplite Greeks $104

The Greeks are a Xyston DBA army pack.  There are 5 mounted and 42 foot miniatures.  I believe the pack was Athenian but they would serve for most later Greek armies.  They have Little Big Men Studios decals and the bases have magnets on the bottom.  They have never been used.

Britons $112

The Britons represent the forces of the post-Roman Britain/Arthurian period.  There are 11 mounted and 34 foot miniatures.  They are mostly Splintered Light Miniatures; one stand of cavalry and a couple of the spearmen are Chariot Miniatures.  They have Little Big Men Studios decals and the bases have magnets on the bottom.  They have never been used.

Sea Peoples $88

These are Essex Miniatures.  There are 39 foot and 1 chariot.  The bases have magnets on the bottom.

15mm Fantasy: Hobbits & Elves

Hobbits $118 SOLD

The Hobbits are from Splintered Light Miniatures, except for Gandalf which is a Black Raven figure.  They are 15mm, but Hobbit-size.  The front rank of the foot are armed with spears, the second rank with bows.  The bank has 2 stands of militia and another stand of bows.  The mounted are riding dogs.  The Hero is on a dog and has another trusty dog alongside.  And of course Gandalf is included.  They have never been used and are 44 points in the Hordes of the Things rules.

14 July, 2022

For Sale: 28mm Vikings

This is a painted 28mm Viking army I have for sale.  It has never been used.  The miniatures are mainly Wargames Foundry, with a couple Crusader and Artizan in the warriors and Levy.  Foundry Vikings are full of character and some of my favorite miniatures to paint.  The shields are mostly decals from LBMS with some hand-painted.

There are a total of 54 foot miniatures and it is 8 points for Saga.  The price is $378.

                The warlord with retainer and his trusty dog, with a standard in the background.

Unit of 4 berserkers

                                                                1st unit of 4 hearthguard

                                                                2nd unit of 4 hearthguard

3rd unit of 4 hearthguard

1st unit of 8 warriors

2nd unit of 8 warriors

3rd unit of 8 warriors.  The miniature at the front left is the only one I have ever seen with armpit hair modeled

Unit of 12 archers

The entire army ready to pillage

Saga: Viking Army #2


This is the second of two different painted Viking 28mm armies I have for sale.  It has never been used in a game.  It is 7 points for Saga.  The Vikings are in the appropriately-named Saga Age of Vikings book.  The miniatures are a mixture of Wargames Foundry, Crusader and Gripping Beast.  Foundry Vikings are full of character and some of my favorite miniatures to paint.  The shields are mostly decals from LBMS with some hand-painted.  The warlords and one of the warrior units are from Crusader.  

There are a total of 47 foot miniatures and I am asking $282.  I also have Saxon and Romano-British armies for sale.

They will be for sale at Historicon on July 21-24, 2022.  I will be in the flea market on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  I have comments on this post moderated so if you are interested you can give me your contact details through a comment without it posting publicly.

Warlord with 2 banners to use with units as needed.

If you prefer a different warlord, I can substitute this Ivar the Boneless set from Gripping Beast.

1st unit of 4 hearthguard.

2nd unit of 4 hearthguard.

3rd unit of 4 hearthguard.

Unit of 4 berserkers.

1st unit of  8 warriors.

2nd unit of 8 warriors.

Unit of 12 levy archers.

The complete force of Viking raiders.

Saga: Early Saxons


I have a painted Early Saxon 28mm army for sale.  It has never been used in a game.  It is 9 points for Saga.  The Saxons are in the Saga Age of Invasions book represent the Germanic invaders of Britain in the late Roman and post-Roman period.  The miniatures are mostly from Gripping Beast and I think are the nicest GB minis I have ever painted.  The shields have decals from LBMS.  The warlords and one of the warrior units are from Crusader.  

There are a total of 52 foot miniatures and I am asking $364.  I also have a Romano-British army for sale that makes a nice historical pair and two Viking armies.

They will be for sale at Historicon on July 21-24, 2022.  I will be in the flea market on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  I have comments on this post moderated so if you are interested you can give me your contact details through a comment without it posting publicly.

Two warlords to allow you to use the Hengist and Horsa special unit.

1st unit of hearthguard.  I really like the active poses and the detail on these miniatures.  The armor strapped to legs and weapon arms looks very good.

2nd unit of 4 hearthguard.

3rd unit of 4 hearthguard.

1st unit of 8 warriors; these also have some nice active poses.

2nd unit of 8 warriors.

3rd unit of 8 warriors; these are the ones from Footsore and have a different hairstyle to indicate a different tribe or new arrivals in Britain.

Unit of 12 levy archers

A warbanner to add to a unit and a Priest.

The entire army.