14 May, 2024

28mm Characters for Saga

One of the standard Saga scenarios in the Book of Battles supplement, Old Feud, includes the use of character figures.  Each player chooses one to add to their army that has a special ability and also needs to be protected.  There are 6 options: The Brute, Counsellor, Traitor, Soldier, Princess, and Mystic.

In 2021, my friend Mike Demana painted up a set of miniatures for use in this scenario, and inspired me to do the same.  I bought the initial minis for the project at Historicon 2022, and gradually added more in various purchases and from my stock of unpainted miniatures.  You can see Mike's work here: Lead Legionaries.

My project soon expanded in size to two sets of characters, one for the classical period and one for dark ages/early medieval.  I painted them in 2022 and 2023.  It was a fun project and a nice change to do some individual models that aren't part of an army.

Classical  (l-r)

Soldier: Successor officer from Aventine

Brute: Thracian from Footsore's Mortal Gods range

Counsellor: Primus Dominus from Footsore's Gangs of Rome range, painted as a Roman senator

Traitor: Primus Domina from Footsore's Gangs of Rome range.  When I first saw this miniature with a dagger, it reminded me of representations of Medea from Greek pottery.  Perfect!

Mystic: Maker unknown, purchased at the Historicon 2022 flea market from a bin full of miniatures.

Princess: Primus Dominus from Footsore's Gangs of Rome range, painted as an Egyptian.

Dark Ages (l-r)

Brute: Giant Viking from Foundry.  I've named him Thorkell the Tall after the early 11th-century historical figure.

Counsellor: Knight Hospitaller from Footsore, originally given away as one of their monthly free miniatures.

Traitor: A Reaper Bones mini, almost as tall as Thorkell, closer to 32mm than 28mm.

Soldier: An Irish Chieftain from Footsore, originally given away as a monthly free miniature. 

Princess: Maker unknown, purchased at the Historicon 2022 flea market.

Mystic: I have two miniatures for this one, a pagan and a Christian version, both from Gripping Beast.

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