28 July, 2024

Historicon 2024 & New Work in Process

I made my usual road trip to Historicon again this year.  I had a great time seeing many old friends, playing in a lot of fun games, and selling some things in the flea market.  It is a great location and my kids and I are already looking forward to 2025.

Starting at the top left and moving clockwise:

(1) a pack of 8 Gripping Beast Illyrian infantry fro Saga.  These weren't on my shopping list, but my son won a gift card from Waterloo Games playing in a Napoleonic naval game and I picked these up from their booth. 

(2) Two jars of Howard Hues paint to replace colors that I am low on.

(3) Three packs of North Star wire spears bought from Brigade Games.

(4) Two of the free convention miniature, a famous spaghetti western cowboy (provided by Brigade).

(5) Two packs from Brigade, Female Armed Civilians from their WW2 range and American Agents from their Cold War era Spies and Patriots range.

(6) A 3D  car and van from Diabolical Terrain.  My friend Mike has painted a lot of their products and I can always use a few more vehicles.

Post-Historicon, I needed a change of pace after painting 7 ancient and dark age armies for Saga in the last 11 months.  I've started work on a group of 15 28mm miniatures for my 7TV and Doctor Who games.  I have had some of these for a long time and it will be good to get them painted.

I like working on a mix of themes at once, it helps to maintain my interest if I hit a roadblock on one of them.  Starting at the front left, there is a police officer in the front rank with a post-apocalypse raider behind (Crooked Dice).  Next are the 6 agents and civilians I bought at Historicon.  They are usable for a lot of things, and 2 of them are earmarked to join my Miami Vice project since I don't have any female officers.  On the right are the 1st Doctor, 7th Doctor and Ace from Black Tree and the War Doctor from Heresy Miniatures.  The back rank are all from Crooked Dice, a giant post-apocalypse mutant and 2 crab-like creatures.

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