Today's post features some miniatures that I started painting at the end of July 2024 and finished in fall 2024. I recently got them out for photos on a sunny winter day. I will use them primarily for my 7TV games.
Three American Agents from Brigade Games Cold War era Spies and Patriots range. These will be part of my Miami VIce collection, hence the bright colors. I didn't have any female undercover detectives, so these are a nice addition. I think the one on the right is a good match for Gina Calabrese, one of the original cast. I am still on the lookout for a miniature to use as Trudy.
Three Female Armed Civilians from Brigade's WW2 range. These are useful miniatures that can serve in plenty of modern to post-apocalyptic scenarios.
Two miniatures from Crooked Dice. On the left is a police officer or well-dressed criminal, on the right is a post-apocalypse raider.
A giant post-apocalypse mutant also from Crooked Dice. It is hard to find size XXXXXXL shirts in the apocalypse. He will smash you with his mighty fists!
The entire group. You can see how large the mutant is compared to the others.
They look great! Good idea using WW II home front or defense type figures for post-apocalyptic. I never thought of that! I love the football striped helmet for the raider...ha, ha! Reminds me of the Doonesbury character who always wore his football helmet. I'm glad you put the mutant next to the ordinary figs so we could see how 'UGE he is...ha, ha!